Be it known that in my current physical state that gravity sucks. Not the other way 'round.
In a sequence of events that can only be described as miraculous, Marilee called for me for an appointment with a neurosurgeon Wednesday, he saw me yesterday, and my surgery is scheduled for this coming Tuesday.
Yes, surgery. And, yes, a scalpel will be involved.
As far as gravity is concerned, if I lay completely motionless with my right arm straight out from my torso at a 90-degree angle, I can sleep rather well. And when not sleeping, and gravity being what it is, it's all meds. Thank God for meds. Even now, as I type, with my arm(s) at awkward angles, I can only tap-tap-tap for only a few minutes at a time. But even with the pain, I felt I needed to get this post off before I must lay down and get gravity off my mind. And arms.
So far this morning, I've had a Valium, two extra-strength Tylenols, and a Lortab. And while my mind might be a bit foggy, I can type.
And after Tuesday, I'll be able to type without that cocktail. I'll probably have a different cocktail, but they'll be part of the road to recovery rather than numerous stop-gaps, which has been the case with the other top-notch1 physicians I've seen to date for this same affliction.
If you've noticed a particular thread these last few posts, you'll realize I'm not one to believe any one physician and what they may have to say at any one given examination. Marilee is a fan of "Mystery Diagnosis" type programs; she TiVo's every one she can find. They're all about people who have seen infinite numbers of MD's (and quacks) for months and years and never find a diagnosis until ONE caring MD finds some obscure non-textbook case or other in a similarly-obscure text. And even while some of those cases are so rare there aren't any set cures, at least they have a name.
I got along rather well in the hour or so we spent with my neurosurgeon, Dr. Robert G. Peterson. The mere fact his first name is Robert made me acutely aware he had a bit of credence. That he's also an Aquarius (January 28 vs. my January 31) made him even more so credible - a fact that Marilee realized all too well - he's a bit of an ass in the way he speaks and acts. I did not ask what his middle name is - mine also starts with a G - that would be too freaky, and I decided to leave it alone.
So anyway, that's what's going on in my pain, meds, and "My Spinal Surgery" posts for now. I'll try to post again before the procedure, but don't ecpect too much for a few days or even a week afterwards; but my mind will be active and will come up with some choice subjects afterwards.
You can bet on that.
1 That comment is very tongue-in-cheek. MD#1: Here's some meds, you'll be fine again in a week or so. MD#2: Here's some more meds, and a list of orthopedists. MD#3: Go to this other MD(#4), he'll poke some needles in your back, oh, and here's some more meds. Which brings us to MD#5, the surgeon.
Friday, May 29
Thursday, May 28
Prince Valium
If you've come here looking for a reference to the movie SpaceBalls, you'll be disappointed. Prince Valium is how my friend Dave refers to me since I've been having my neck/back/arm pains.
And Prince Valium has just entered my star system; it's the only thing that keeps the pain at bay.
I have that appointment with the orthopedic surgeon today at 1pm. While I'm not worried about what he might suggest as a treatment regimen, it was after a short comment Marilee made last evening that made me realize what else he might suggest - for the better, of course.
She (Marilee) has a friend who had to undergo some neurological surgery a year or so ago, but the surgeon would not do the surgery unless the friend quit doing something for a period of six weeks prior to the procedure.
Marilee reminded me of that, and to not be surprised if this surgeon suggested the same thing.
So while my pain in the neck may subside, the pain of quitting smoking will make up for the pain in my arm.
And Prince Valium has just entered my star system; it's the only thing that keeps the pain at bay.
I have that appointment with the orthopedic surgeon today at 1pm. While I'm not worried about what he might suggest as a treatment regimen, it was after a short comment Marilee made last evening that made me realize what else he might suggest - for the better, of course.
She (Marilee) has a friend who had to undergo some neurological surgery a year or so ago, but the surgeon would not do the surgery unless the friend quit doing something for a period of six weeks prior to the procedure.
Marilee reminded me of that, and to not be surprised if this surgeon suggested the same thing.
So while my pain in the neck may subside, the pain of quitting smoking will make up for the pain in my arm.
My Spinal Surgery
Wednesday, May 27
There's No Instruction Manual For Life
Let alone trying to navigate the mess the health care system has become.
I should know. Or rather, my wife knows.
If it weren't for my dear wife of three years - actually, we've done away with the whole "when we met" anniversary and just lumped that in with our wedding anniversary, thus making yesterday's date of May26th our five year anniversary - the whole mess of figuring out insurance documentation is her job. Because it really is her job.
I was off work last week, since the meds I've been taking make me dangerous on the road. Dizzy enough from the meds to trip over the coffee table in the family room, God forbid what I might trip over driving a 3/4 ton truck during work.
After my X-ray and consultation sent me in the direction of an MRI and subsequent consultation, I had my "operation" last Friday - laying motionless, face down on a table similar to a massage table while a physiatrist (that's not a typo) deftly injected cortisone into my spinal cavity. The initial consultation with him did say that the effects could take "a week or two", but not what to do in the meantime.
In that meantime, the pain has not subsided; it's actually gotten worse. As it had been in my last week's off time. So I continue to take my pain meds, and still am not driving.
To make matters worse if not already so, having already run out of sick time, and after a much-needed vacation earlier this year, I'm getting rather low on vacation time. Which means, of course, that in a few days I won't be getting compensation of any kind.
Enter FMLA - the Family Leave Medical Act. But not having the prowess in such things as my wife does, I figured it would just kick in automatically.
NO, I DID NOT KNOW THIS, so don't bother with your "What you should have done" comments.
To get things rolling on that note, I've got another appointment with another physician - that will make FIVE for this particular affliction I've been living with for about five weeks now - tomorrow at 1pm. This guy's an orthopedic surgeon. An actual, live, breathing dude that actually uses a scalpel in his job. So far it's been a pen, pencil, or keyboard. And just a bit of needle.
What the HELL ever happened to the doctors who did everything themselves?
Anyway, more to come tomorrow after THAT appointment, I'm sure.
I should know. Or rather, my wife knows.
If it weren't for my dear wife of three years - actually, we've done away with the whole "when we met" anniversary and just lumped that in with our wedding anniversary, thus making yesterday's date of May26th our five year anniversary - the whole mess of figuring out insurance documentation is her job. Because it really is her job.
I was off work last week, since the meds I've been taking make me dangerous on the road. Dizzy enough from the meds to trip over the coffee table in the family room, God forbid what I might trip over driving a 3/4 ton truck during work.
After my X-ray and consultation sent me in the direction of an MRI and subsequent consultation, I had my "operation" last Friday - laying motionless, face down on a table similar to a massage table while a physiatrist (that's not a typo) deftly injected cortisone into my spinal cavity. The initial consultation with him did say that the effects could take "a week or two", but not what to do in the meantime.
In that meantime, the pain has not subsided; it's actually gotten worse. As it had been in my last week's off time. So I continue to take my pain meds, and still am not driving.
To make matters worse if not already so, having already run out of sick time, and after a much-needed vacation earlier this year, I'm getting rather low on vacation time. Which means, of course, that in a few days I won't be getting compensation of any kind.
Enter FMLA - the Family Leave Medical Act. But not having the prowess in such things as my wife does, I figured it would just kick in automatically.
NO, I DID NOT KNOW THIS, so don't bother with your "What you should have done" comments.
To get things rolling on that note, I've got another appointment with another physician - that will make FIVE for this particular affliction I've been living with for about five weeks now - tomorrow at 1pm. This guy's an orthopedic surgeon. An actual, live, breathing dude that actually uses a scalpel in his job. So far it's been a pen, pencil, or keyboard. And just a bit of needle.
What the HELL ever happened to the doctors who did everything themselves?
Anyway, more to come tomorrow after THAT appointment, I'm sure.
My Spinal Surgery
Saturday, May 23
Our Virginia Creeper
Last October, I posted an entry about the vine that grows on our chain-link gate. Only now, the middle of May, is it finally growing in thick enough to again block the view from the street of our oh-so-tidy back yard.
Which is, of course, the reason we've let it grow.
It's a Virginia Creeper, as one Carabeth commented, on that original blog post. She'd found my comment at blurbomat's blog entry of his Virginia Creeper (Carabeth even commented on his post). That is written by Jon Armstrong, husband of the rock-star-status blogger Heather Armstrong at Funny how stuff gets around, posted to, commented on, etc.
It grows from the same spot every year, from the neighbor's yard. From two or three very thick "branches" of vine. I'd never want it to die, of course, because I LIKE the vine. It does stuff. I guess I really do have the same view of horticulture that Marilee does: if a plant doesn't bloom, or bear fruit, or at least change color one a year, then what good does it do as an ornamental plant?
But that's a post for another day.
So since I don't want the creeper to ever die, I do want to know how to make them propagate. The berry-things shriveled up into things that looked like seeds, but they didn't do much when planted. And as it is springtime now, the vine will soon produce something akin to pollen as it did last year.
But those spindly appendages - call them prehensile tails if you want - look like they could dig into whatever medium I might lay them across and thus become roots.
Surely there's some horticulturist out there that knows - Carabeth, perhaps - and I don't want to have to go to a garden center to get a fresh new plant since there's an abundant crop of creepers in my back yard.
Which is, of course, the reason we've let it grow.
It's a Virginia Creeper, as one Carabeth commented, on that original blog post. She'd found my comment at blurbomat's blog entry of his Virginia Creeper (Carabeth even commented on his post). That is written by Jon Armstrong, husband of the rock-star-status blogger Heather Armstrong at Funny how stuff gets around, posted to, commented on, etc.
It grows from the same spot every year, from the neighbor's yard. From two or three very thick "branches" of vine. I'd never want it to die, of course, because I LIKE the vine. It does stuff. I guess I really do have the same view of horticulture that Marilee does: if a plant doesn't bloom, or bear fruit, or at least change color one a year, then what good does it do as an ornamental plant?
But that's a post for another day.
So since I don't want the creeper to ever die, I do want to know how to make them propagate. The berry-things shriveled up into things that looked like seeds, but they didn't do much when planted. And as it is springtime now, the vine will soon produce something akin to pollen as it did last year.
But those spindly appendages - call them prehensile tails if you want - look like they could dig into whatever medium I might lay them across and thus become roots.
Surely there's some horticulturist out there that knows - Carabeth, perhaps - and I don't want to have to go to a garden center to get a fresh new plant since there's an abundant crop of creepers in my back yard.
Modern Medicine
Though I fully expected a witch doctor a la ooo eee ooo aaa aaa bing bang walla walla bing bang to come dancing through the door yesterday afternoon, it wouldn't have mattered much since I was face-down on an operating room table with instruments poking into my spine.
I had my epidural yesterday afternoon.
After the insertion of an IV tube in my left arm - which interestingly enough didn't hurt as much as the one for my gall bladder surgery a couple years ago, I was off to the operating room which consisted of something akin to a massage table next to a mini MRI machine.
I had expected to have been knocked out for the procedure, but was fully awake, and while the pin-like pricks in my back weren't painful, they didn't last but a minute.
I was in and out of "surgery" for not much longer than fifteen minutes.
Of course, I also expected my arm pain to cease immediately, but was told it might take a week or two.
Lovely. Two more weeks of agonizing arm pain, making it downright impossible to type, let along drive due to the cocktail of Diazepam and Lortab. And this morning, I awoke with not a pain in my arm, but Princess barking at the closed bedroom door "asking" to be let out.
Stumbling towards the door, tripping over Marilee's recliner, and an awkwardly-placed pillow, thus began the three-dog-one-human march down the stairs.
THAT was more stumble than march since the lovely drugs intended to calm me a bit apparently haven't left my body yet.
Dogs have now been let out, and thought I'd blog a bit before returning to bed.
And have just remembered one of the "possible" side effects of the procedure - blurred vision, and my hunting and pecking is a bit offf.
HAVING TROUBLE TYPING. Not that I ever learned, mind you; I don't know a home row from a throw rug, and those little nubbins on the 'F' and 'J' leys get in the way. Not to mention the eraser-stick smack dab in the middle of the two.
Have had to re-read everything I've typed thus far, and it's taking far longer to type this than usual, and am adding extra characters all over the place.
And just glanced at the clock - it's taken me a full forty-five minutes to type this little enrty.
Methinks I need to get back to peaceful slumber to sleep off what the hell ever it is that's still in my veins.
Except for the cortisone - THAT can stay for a while.
I had my epidural yesterday afternoon.
After the insertion of an IV tube in my left arm - which interestingly enough didn't hurt as much as the one for my gall bladder surgery a couple years ago, I was off to the operating room which consisted of something akin to a massage table next to a mini MRI machine.
I had expected to have been knocked out for the procedure, but was fully awake, and while the pin-like pricks in my back weren't painful, they didn't last but a minute.
I was in and out of "surgery" for not much longer than fifteen minutes.
Of course, I also expected my arm pain to cease immediately, but was told it might take a week or two.
Lovely. Two more weeks of agonizing arm pain, making it downright impossible to type, let along drive due to the cocktail of Diazepam and Lortab. And this morning, I awoke with not a pain in my arm, but Princess barking at the closed bedroom door "asking" to be let out.
Stumbling towards the door, tripping over Marilee's recliner, and an awkwardly-placed pillow, thus began the three-dog-one-human march down the stairs.
THAT was more stumble than march since the lovely drugs intended to calm me a bit apparently haven't left my body yet.
Dogs have now been let out, and thought I'd blog a bit before returning to bed.
And have just remembered one of the "possible" side effects of the procedure - blurred vision, and my hunting and pecking is a bit offf.
HAVING TROUBLE TYPING. Not that I ever learned, mind you; I don't know a home row from a throw rug, and those little nubbins on the 'F' and 'J' leys get in the way. Not to mention the eraser-stick smack dab in the middle of the two.
Have had to re-read everything I've typed thus far, and it's taking far longer to type this than usual, and am adding extra characters all over the place.
And just glanced at the clock - it's taken me a full forty-five minutes to type this little enrty.
Methinks I need to get back to peaceful slumber to sleep off what the hell ever it is that's still in my veins.
Except for the cortisone - THAT can stay for a while.
My Spinal Surgery,
Friday, May 22
Yes, This Post Is About Religion
I don't post about religion. Seriously.
But the following linked article IS about religion, and I just had to share.
IMHO, "Margo" is correct in her assessment.
And if YOU have a problem with that, then, well, you know:
Dear Margo: Religious Fanatics on the Lunatic Fringe
I'm now going to take my Zombie pills and nap before my doctor's appointment...
But the following linked article IS about religion, and I just had to share.
IMHO, "Margo" is correct in her assessment.
And if YOU have a problem with that, then, well, you know:
Dear Margo: Religious Fanatics on the Lunatic Fringe
I'm now going to take my Zombie pills and nap before my doctor's appointment...
Tuesday, May 19
Taking A Break
I'm off work this week, but I'd rather it would be for more pleasurable pursuits.
My prescriptive cocktail currently consists of Ibuprofen, Diazepam, and Lortab; individually, they do nothing for the pain in my arm, but combined, they do wonders for the pain caused by a multitude of pinched nerves in my neck.
As such, I cannot drive and thus do my daily work routine.
And so as to not exacerbate anything that may b e going on in my arm as a result, I'm taking a break from blogging as it is too painful to sit with my arms extended,
Prepare for a barrage of topics in the next week or so...
My prescriptive cocktail currently consists of Ibuprofen, Diazepam, and Lortab; individually, they do nothing for the pain in my arm, but combined, they do wonders for the pain caused by a multitude of pinched nerves in my neck.
As such, I cannot drive and thus do my daily work routine.
And so as to not exacerbate anything that may b e going on in my arm as a result, I'm taking a break from blogging as it is too painful to sit with my arms extended,
Prepare for a barrage of topics in the next week or so...
My Spinal Surgery
Monday, May 18
♫ Make The Pain Go Away ♫
Hopefully, the little musical notes will translate well into the title of this post.
Had my MRI done last Wednesday. While the procedure itself wasn't painful, the laying motionless for twenty-five minutes was excruciating.
And Friday was the the follow-up consultation.
I'd type more just now, but it is far too painful to type.
More later.
Had my MRI done last Wednesday. While the procedure itself wasn't painful, the laying motionless for twenty-five minutes was excruciating.
And Friday was the the follow-up consultation.
I'd type more just now, but it is far too painful to type.
More later.
My Spinal Surgery
Great Post At TechCrunch By Robin Wauters
Titled "There We Go Again. No, Micropayments Won’t 'Save Journalism'", this has to do with online newspapers' presence on the web trying to save their skins by charging for their content.
Sorry, just stirring the pot once again - at least I didn't mention the Deseret News.
Sorry, just stirring the pot once again - at least I didn't mention the Deseret News.
Above The Fold,
Sunday, May 17
If It Weren't True THEY Wouldn't Let It Be Said
Except, of course, there is no "they."
I've heard that phrase too many times over the last few years. Like the friend that said he'd found the miracle cure for all that ails mankind, and almost overdosed on colloidal silver.
So though you may read something on my blog, you should know that everything I say here is MY opinion, and you have the choice of believing it or not. And heaven forbid you might have your own opinion. Because this IS America, and everyone CAN have their own opinion.
MY opinions last week about a certain newspaper don't amount to much, and don't become anywhere near fact, unless others say the same things, and can back their views with facts. Since I was only opining, I felt I did not need to do that. But out of curiosities' sake, I did go off looking for others' viewpoints mirroring my own.
And found quite a few.
One blog post1 from Adam at states, in part, that "[The Deseret News] has historically sought to be perceived as a credible mainstream media publication, dedicated to fair coverage of news stories." That is, it had done so until one Joe Cannon took over leadership of the paper as Editor-in-Chief. Adam further says "Though the paper’s editorial positions have always been closely aligned with those of the Mormon Church, the news coverage has been generally consistent with impartial, non-partisan mainstream journalistic standards."
Hmmm... "Mainstream journalistic standards". Like layouts, perhaps?
No, I did not dig back in any archival printed copies of the Deseret News to see if "above the fold" had been adhered to in the past. All I was saying last week is than in that here and now, it did not appear that those journalistic standards were being adhered to.
Interestingly enough, the thing that began Adam's blog post was an event that happened in February of this year: twelve reporters at the Deseret News had protested the treatment of their written articles; their protest was to remove their bylines from their articles. To the average American news reader, a byline may not mean much, but it is the "byline" which is the only thing that identifies the person who wrote the article. If enough of an article is altered such that it is no longer your words, then removing your byline is perfectly acceptable.
Adam further says in his post: "...that they [the reporters] believe that under [Joe Cannon's] direction, stories have been edited to present news through the filter of Mormon religious beliefs. In some cases, the protesters suggest stories were completely pulled because they did not strictly adhere to Mormon religious teachings and political views."
Again we see something I touched on in my posts last week. In my Above The Fold, the Deseret News said (through the Boston Globe article) that the "Election has spurred hate". In my Face and Hands post, the Deseret News speaks about how minorities are increasing in numbers statewide. If the Deseret News is in fact more strictly adhering to Mormon religious teachings and Mormon political views, where does that put them by placing those particular articles above the fold?
Now I'm done with the topic.
1 I prefer to use the term "blog post" versus "article", unless the item I refer to is from an actual newspaper's website. That's just part of MY style guide.
I've heard that phrase too many times over the last few years. Like the friend that said he'd found the miracle cure for all that ails mankind, and almost overdosed on colloidal silver.
So though you may read something on my blog, you should know that everything I say here is MY opinion, and you have the choice of believing it or not. And heaven forbid you might have your own opinion. Because this IS America, and everyone CAN have their own opinion.
MY opinions last week about a certain newspaper don't amount to much, and don't become anywhere near fact, unless others say the same things, and can back their views with facts. Since I was only opining, I felt I did not need to do that. But out of curiosities' sake, I did go off looking for others' viewpoints mirroring my own.
And found quite a few.
One blog post1 from Adam at states, in part, that "[The Deseret News] has historically sought to be perceived as a credible mainstream media publication, dedicated to fair coverage of news stories." That is, it had done so until one Joe Cannon took over leadership of the paper as Editor-in-Chief. Adam further says "Though the paper’s editorial positions have always been closely aligned with those of the Mormon Church, the news coverage has been generally consistent with impartial, non-partisan mainstream journalistic standards."
Hmmm... "Mainstream journalistic standards". Like layouts, perhaps?
No, I did not dig back in any archival printed copies of the Deseret News to see if "above the fold" had been adhered to in the past. All I was saying last week is than in that here and now, it did not appear that those journalistic standards were being adhered to.
Interestingly enough, the thing that began Adam's blog post was an event that happened in February of this year: twelve reporters at the Deseret News had protested the treatment of their written articles; their protest was to remove their bylines from their articles. To the average American news reader, a byline may not mean much, but it is the "byline" which is the only thing that identifies the person who wrote the article. If enough of an article is altered such that it is no longer your words, then removing your byline is perfectly acceptable.
Adam further says in his post: "...that they [the reporters] believe that under [Joe Cannon's] direction, stories have been edited to present news through the filter of Mormon religious beliefs. In some cases, the protesters suggest stories were completely pulled because they did not strictly adhere to Mormon religious teachings and political views."
Again we see something I touched on in my posts last week. In my Above The Fold, the Deseret News said (through the Boston Globe article) that the "Election has spurred hate". In my Face and Hands post, the Deseret News speaks about how minorities are increasing in numbers statewide. If the Deseret News is in fact more strictly adhering to Mormon religious teachings and Mormon political views, where does that put them by placing those particular articles above the fold?
Now I'm done with the topic.
1 I prefer to use the term "blog post" versus "article", unless the item I refer to is from an actual newspaper's website. That's just part of MY style guide.
Above The Fold,
Saturday, May 16
THIS Was Expected
After commenting twice this week (here and here), in a not-very-savory way about the Deseret News, I totally expected something today, and was not disappointed.
Well, sort of.
We've gotten into the habit of not answering the door after a certain hour - particularly when the dogs go ape-sh!t. It's hard enough to talk to each other when the dogs are barking any other time of the day; when Lexie gets going, it's actually quite funny. But when holding her and trying to listen to a visitor at the door, it's downright impossible. So we don't even bother.
Late this afternoon, the doorbell rang, and the dogs immediately headed to the front of the house. The din had ebbed a bit when there was added a knock, too. Thus began anew the bedlam.
But this week, the bedlam really started Tuesday when I mentioned the Deseret News' habit of not playing by long-held rules of newspaper publishing. What transpired thereafter were visits to my blog from THE Deseret News - nine times - and the next day one visitor from THE Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
I commented to Marilee, and several others, mind you, that I was betting I'd have visitors with white shirts and black name tags.
When going out for my evening constitutional on the front porch just now, a card fluttered down from the door jamb.
I wondered aloud if Sisters Hansen and Miller read my blog, too.
Well, sort of.
We've gotten into the habit of not answering the door after a certain hour - particularly when the dogs go ape-sh!t. It's hard enough to talk to each other when the dogs are barking any other time of the day; when Lexie gets going, it's actually quite funny. But when holding her and trying to listen to a visitor at the door, it's downright impossible. So we don't even bother.
Late this afternoon, the doorbell rang, and the dogs immediately headed to the front of the house. The din had ebbed a bit when there was added a knock, too. Thus began anew the bedlam.
But this week, the bedlam really started Tuesday when I mentioned the Deseret News' habit of not playing by long-held rules of newspaper publishing. What transpired thereafter were visits to my blog from THE Deseret News - nine times - and the next day one visitor from THE Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
I commented to Marilee, and several others, mind you, that I was betting I'd have visitors with white shirts and black name tags.
When going out for my evening constitutional on the front porch just now, a card fluttered down from the door jamb.
I wondered aloud if Sisters Hansen and Miller read my blog, too.
Above The Fold,
How Do You Say Hallelujah In Chinese?
Actual news above the fold in the Deseret News this morning:
Guess this means we won't have to worry about Jon in 2012, as this article from the Washington Post points out.

Above The Fold,
Thursday, May 14
Face And Hands
They're making this entirely too easy.
Unless you have a disconnect in the third dimension, you'll be able to see where the fold is, in these two photos:

The rules are:
1. The article above the fold sells the paper
2. The most important article should have the largest headline
And for all intents and purposes, both 1 and 2 should reference the same item.
Admittedly, my last Journalism class was thirty-four years ago, but print Journalism was all there was then. So unless I'm missing some underlying style guide, what thehell heck is going on?
Unless you have a disconnect in the third dimension, you'll be able to see where the fold is, in these two photos:

1. The article above the fold sells the paper
2. The most important article should have the largest headline
And for all intents and purposes, both 1 and 2 should reference the same item.
Admittedly, my last Journalism class was thirty-four years ago, but print Journalism was all there was then. So unless I'm missing some underlying style guide, what the
Above The Fold,
Wednesday, May 13
School Daze
Here in late spring, a boy's mind begins to look forward to summer. Days of fun with friends, frolicking in the ole swimmin' hole, fishin' with...
Wait, that's a bygone era.
This summer, the certain boy is Taylor, and there's no swimmin' hole, nor is there anywhere to fish. Maybe in the Jordan River, but you'd probably not want to eat (or touch, for that matter) anything that could even live in that water.
So what's a boy to do?
If not for the events of earlier this week, he'd be sittin' on his ass playing WoW. But that's not going to happen - he's been cut off.
In not so much detail, suffice to say that as we were getting ready to go to work, Marilee and I, and Taylor for school, he announces at 7am - the time we take him to school - that he has no clean pants to wear.
Having spent the weekend mowing the grass with his brother Chris, not only were the pants grass-stained, but they'd also had something spilled on them.
"Wear your shorts" was the comment from Marilee, while mine was... well, I won't say what I was thinking.
Into the washing machine went the pants. Looking at my watch, I began the waiting period.
Thirty minutes later, the drying cycle began.
Where's Taylor during this period? Down in his room playing WoW. And likely formulating a plan.
At 8am - neither Marilee nor I had left for work, since we still had to wait for the dryer, Taylor, now dressed for school, asks me "When do you want to leave?", I reply "NOW".
Marilee, already in her car and about to drive off, I say "Wait, I need to get my laptop". In that short period, Taylor has gone outside, spoken to Marilee, and has decided not to go to school after all, since he's already missed most of his first period and a test, and there's now no reason to even go.
I get this second-hand, and...
What's the word beyond "livid"?
Wait, that's a bygone era.
This summer, the certain boy is Taylor, and there's no swimmin' hole, nor is there anywhere to fish. Maybe in the Jordan River, but you'd probably not want to eat (or touch, for that matter) anything that could even live in that water.
So what's a boy to do?
If not for the events of earlier this week, he'd be sittin' on his ass playing WoW. But that's not going to happen - he's been cut off.
In not so much detail, suffice to say that as we were getting ready to go to work, Marilee and I, and Taylor for school, he announces at 7am - the time we take him to school - that he has no clean pants to wear.
Having spent the weekend mowing the grass with his brother Chris, not only were the pants grass-stained, but they'd also had something spilled on them.
"Wear your shorts" was the comment from Marilee, while mine was... well, I won't say what I was thinking.
Into the washing machine went the pants. Looking at my watch, I began the waiting period.
Thirty minutes later, the drying cycle began.
Where's Taylor during this period? Down in his room playing WoW. And likely formulating a plan.
At 8am - neither Marilee nor I had left for work, since we still had to wait for the dryer, Taylor, now dressed for school, asks me "When do you want to leave?", I reply "NOW".
Marilee, already in her car and about to drive off, I say "Wait, I need to get my laptop". In that short period, Taylor has gone outside, spoken to Marilee, and has decided not to go to school after all, since he's already missed most of his first period and a test, and there's now no reason to even go.
I get this second-hand, and...
What's the word beyond "livid"?

One I'd like to suggest is a "twurker": a lurker who watches other tweeps' tweets yet never contributes to conversations.
Like this twit who just started following my updates:
1 update
following 1465 people
Who the hell follows someone with just ONE update? If your updates aren't up into at least triple digits, you ain't following me.
Above The Fold Redux
I apparently hit a nerve with my post yesterday about the Deseret News' "above the fold" article on hate spurred by President Obama's election. That the election happened six months ago is not at issue. Nor is his inauguration just 100 days or so ago.
Interestingly enough, I got just one comment out of that post, though my readership grew by about 500%. The comment follows:
"How do you know the DesNews is afoot?"
While I don't think the Deseret News has any ulterior motive in the information they presented, at issue is the way it was presented: above the fold. You see the "above the fold" presentation method on a daily basis - how far down are you going to scroll on a website until you see something worth reading? If something isn't in the first screenful, you're likely to move on to another website. Above the fold works in online media as well. See the Web Style Guide and look for the heading "Home page content and 'the fold'." I don't have need to make this stuff up.
So since the Deseret News put that particular article above the fold, someone at the Deseret News thought it more important than - as I presented yesterday - the article about the wounded police officer.
I am not backing down from my portrayal of the Deseret News as a newspaper that may not play by accepted practices laid down centuries ago regarding layout.
I will, however, admit to my readers that even though my lowly little bob's bs blog had over 35 views within 10 minutes after I pressed the "publish" button, I further spread MY words by posting the link to my blog on Twitter and Facebook with the following link:
"Hate-mongering at the Deseret News: "
In hindsight, "mongering" may have been a bit harsh.
What do YOU think?
Interestingly enough, I got just one comment out of that post, though my readership grew by about 500%. The comment follows:
"How do you know the DesNews is afoot?"
While I don't think the Deseret News has any ulterior motive in the information they presented, at issue is the way it was presented: above the fold. You see the "above the fold" presentation method on a daily basis - how far down are you going to scroll on a website until you see something worth reading? If something isn't in the first screenful, you're likely to move on to another website. Above the fold works in online media as well. See the Web Style Guide and look for the heading "Home page content and 'the fold'." I don't have need to make this stuff up.
So since the Deseret News put that particular article above the fold, someone at the Deseret News thought it more important than - as I presented yesterday - the article about the wounded police officer.
I am not backing down from my portrayal of the Deseret News as a newspaper that may not play by accepted practices laid down centuries ago regarding layout.
I will, however, admit to my readers that even though my lowly little bob's bs blog had over 35 views within 10 minutes after I pressed the "publish" button, I further spread MY words by posting the link to my blog on Twitter and Facebook with the following link:
"Hate-mongering at the Deseret News: "
In hindsight, "mongering" may have been a bit harsh.
What do YOU think?
Above The Fold,
Tuesday, May 12
Above The Fold
There is, in newspaper parlance, a term that refers to what appears first to a potential reader. That potential reader is one who would buy a paper on a newsstand. Not the one wet and mangled underneath your car in your driveway. Because this term was coined long before home delivery.
So it comes as no surprise that the most important article in any given newspaper, smack-dab on the front page, should be the one that sells the paper. And what was on the front page this morning, above the fold, of the Mormon-church-owned Deseret News? This:
Election has spurred hate
I put that in bold text so you wouldn't miss it. That this headline should be above the fold doesn't surprise me any, considering the source. But wait, there's more.
The "source" of this article is not from the Deseret News, nay, it's from the Boston Globe. I know not what's above the fold in the Boston Globe this morning. It doesn't really matter. What matters is that of all the articles the Deseret News could have put above the fold is this one.
Assuming the Deseret News thinks this should be the lead article, the article that should grab the attention of whomever should see it on a newsstand, or in a coin-operated newspaper box, should it not have the largest headline? THAT article is below the fold:
The largest headline is about a Lehi, Utah, police officer who was shot in the head during what should have been a routine traffic stop, if not for a severe mental illness that made the shooter paranoid. She was later shot and killed by backup officers who later arrived at the scene.
That the Deseret News, using whatever logic they had in the news room that day, chose to use a hate-mongering tactic as they did, is deplorable. The officer injured in the line of duty should, and does, deserve more, than to be considered less important than an article retelling something that happened six months ago.
Oh, one other thing... also above the fold, top-right-hand-corner: Whoopti-doo, the Utah state license plate is officially 100 years old this year. News worthy? Hardly.
Just what kind of news-gathering is going on at the Deseret News, to put THAT particular graphic on the front page? Be it known that's not MY emphasis on the numbers. WTF?
There's no brilliantly stimulating anything at the Deseret News.
It's all BS.
So it comes as no surprise that the most important article in any given newspaper, smack-dab on the front page, should be the one that sells the paper. And what was on the front page this morning, above the fold, of the Mormon-church-owned Deseret News? This:

I put that in bold text so you wouldn't miss it. That this headline should be above the fold doesn't surprise me any, considering the source. But wait, there's more.
The "source" of this article is not from the Deseret News, nay, it's from the Boston Globe. I know not what's above the fold in the Boston Globe this morning. It doesn't really matter. What matters is that of all the articles the Deseret News could have put above the fold is this one.
Assuming the Deseret News thinks this should be the lead article, the article that should grab the attention of whomever should see it on a newsstand, or in a coin-operated newspaper box, should it not have the largest headline? THAT article is below the fold:

That the Deseret News, using whatever logic they had in the news room that day, chose to use a hate-mongering tactic as they did, is deplorable. The officer injured in the line of duty should, and does, deserve more, than to be considered less important than an article retelling something that happened six months ago.
Oh, one other thing... also above the fold, top-right-hand-corner: Whoopti-doo, the Utah state license plate is officially 100 years old this year. News worthy? Hardly.

There's no brilliantly stimulating anything at the Deseret News.
It's all BS.
Above The Fold,
Sunday, May 10
Unmanned Warrior Plane To Be Tested At Dugway
Thankfully, this drone doesn't look anything like a plane and should fly completely unnoticed over 'war zones'.
Unmanned Warrior plane to be tested at Dugway
Unmanned Warrior plane to be tested at Dugway
Saturday, May 9
Jenn's Graduation
This is the first of quite a few photos I took at Jenn's graduation yesterday at the U of U. Will post them at Walgreen's website such that you can order some for your very own. I'll supply you all with a link when I have them posted.

Friday, May 8
A New Chapter And A New Chapter
VERY busy day today.
I'm stoked that a new Star Trek enterprise is beginning today; we've already decided to make a go of it to see the new movie - WE meaning myself, Marilee, Taylor, Chris, Jenn, Ramin and even Guy. And whomever else might want to come along.
That would be Jenn and Chris' Dad.
But all that will come after the other new chapter beginning today. You see, all of us - and likely ten thousand or so others - will bed taking part in commencement exercises at the University of Utah.
Jennifer is graduating today!
Over 7,100 graduates will be in attendance - with all their friends and families. All clotted in one place at the U. Chris graduated 2½ years ago from USU in Logan, and while a large affair, it twern't nearly as big.
One difference I'll take advantage of is that the trusty Olympus had died during Chris' ceremony, so I'll be getting some (hopefully) choice photos of Jenn's.
Both boldly going where no one has gone before.
I'm stoked that a new Star Trek enterprise is beginning today; we've already decided to make a go of it to see the new movie - WE meaning myself, Marilee, Taylor, Chris, Jenn, Ramin and even Guy. And whomever else might want to come along.
That would be Jenn and Chris' Dad.
But all that will come after the other new chapter beginning today. You see, all of us - and likely ten thousand or so others - will bed taking part in commencement exercises at the University of Utah.
Jennifer is graduating today!
Over 7,100 graduates will be in attendance - with all their friends and families. All clotted in one place at the U. Chris graduated 2½ years ago from USU in Logan, and while a large affair, it twern't nearly as big.
One difference I'll take advantage of is that the trusty Olympus had died during Chris' ceremony, so I'll be getting some (hopefully) choice photos of Jenn's.
Both boldly going where no one has gone before.
Thursday, May 7
There's no 'W' in Horehound, so don't bother looking it up.
Ever had Horehound? We're talking the candy here; I've never had the tea, or even seen the herb. But it's oh, so tasty. Really a delicate taste that...
OK, so I really don't know what it tastes like. I suppose it's an acquired taste. My Dad was the one who first got me to try one of the candies; I suppose it's a bit of an old-world treat.
I know of only one local store that sells Horehound; it's Western Nut on 3rd West in Salt Lake. It's manufactured by Claeys Candies in South Bend, Indiana.
Stop by Western Nut and grab a bag of Horehound. Honestly.
Ever had Horehound? We're talking the candy here; I've never had the tea, or even seen the herb. But it's oh, so tasty. Really a delicate taste that...
OK, so I really don't know what it tastes like. I suppose it's an acquired taste. My Dad was the one who first got me to try one of the candies; I suppose it's a bit of an old-world treat.
I know of only one local store that sells Horehound; it's Western Nut on 3rd West in Salt Lake. It's manufactured by Claeys Candies in South Bend, Indiana.
Stop by Western Nut and grab a bag of Horehound. Honestly.
Old Man Talk
History Of The Internet
No, there's no Al Gore here. Nor is there anything tongue-in-cheek, as you might expect. No, this is a legit history. Well done!
Wednesday, May 6
Welcome To Old Age
...that's what Dave "from the office" said this morning.
Had a doctor's appointment this morning - don't let the moniker "sports medicine" fool you. He's an orthopedist. But "sports medicine" allows him to (likely) charge an arm and a leg (literally) for his services.
The appointment was for the pain I've had in my right arm ever since Princess took her tumble down the stairs. No, I wasn't in the way when she tumbled, but during the week that she had problems going up the stairs, I spent the evenings on the couch on the first floor to keep her from attempting the climb. A "baby-gate" prevented her from climbing the stairs thereafter.
Unfortunately, spending that much time on the couch exacerbated a problem I appear to have had for some time: while an MRI later this week will seal the deal as far as a definitive diagnosis, I have Degenerative Disc Disease or so my orthopedist thinks.
Short-term, I'm taking Methylprednisolone for pain and inflammation, and Diazepam (Valium) to help me sleep at night. After my MRI, they'll decide which of three possible outcomes there are:
Time/Therapy/Meds, or
Injections, or
Thrilled at all three.
Had a doctor's appointment this morning - don't let the moniker "sports medicine" fool you. He's an orthopedist. But "sports medicine" allows him to (likely) charge an arm and a leg (literally) for his services.
The appointment was for the pain I've had in my right arm ever since Princess took her tumble down the stairs. No, I wasn't in the way when she tumbled, but during the week that she had problems going up the stairs, I spent the evenings on the couch on the first floor to keep her from attempting the climb. A "baby-gate" prevented her from climbing the stairs thereafter.
Unfortunately, spending that much time on the couch exacerbated a problem I appear to have had for some time: while an MRI later this week will seal the deal as far as a definitive diagnosis, I have Degenerative Disc Disease or so my orthopedist thinks.
Short-term, I'm taking Methylprednisolone for pain and inflammation, and Diazepam (Valium) to help me sleep at night. After my MRI, they'll decide which of three possible outcomes there are:
Time/Therapy/Meds, or
Injections, or
Thrilled at all three.
My Spinal Surgery,
Pain Management
Tuesday, May 5
I Wouldn't Have Thought It Possible
But it was full when the trash collection company came by to pick up the trash bin yesterday morning:
THAT story began here.
Monday, May 4
Ethical Twitter Marketing Practices

Lately I'm getting followers on Twitter who have MLM this and MLM that in their Twitter bios. Or "How to increase your followers".
Come on, tweeps - the internet is becoming one big mega mall.
How about we return to the origins of the internet - information sharing and only information sharing.
And not having to worry about marketing ethics.
Sunday, May 3
Seen on Twitter today:
"90 people get the swine flu and everybody wants to wear a mask. A million people have AIDS and no one wants to wear a condom..."
"90 people get the swine flu and everybody wants to wear a mask. A million people have AIDS and no one wants to wear a condom..."
Friday, May 1
Rear-End First
Get your mind out of the gutter.
Will someone please tell me what the trait is, that makes people insist on backing-in to parking spaces? Is it a desire to be a trucker? Or do they need to make a fast getaway?
It's always a front-end first person that has to wait for-ev-er for the dimwit rear-end-first parker to manipulate his (typically) too-large-for-the-spot vehicle to back into said space.
Maybe there's a Freudian reason for the behaviour.
Sitting here in a national supermarket chain parking lot, after having jusr repaired something, I'm doing my call clusure "stuff" with my driver's side door open. A honk scares the bejesus out of me as a mullet is trying to back up his shoddy-looking pickup - diagonally, no less - next to my truck.
Why the hell is he...
Wait! Mullet?
Will someone please tell me what the trait is, that makes people insist on backing-in to parking spaces? Is it a desire to be a trucker? Or do they need to make a fast getaway?
It's always a front-end first person that has to wait for-ev-er for the dimwit rear-end-first parker to manipulate his (typically) too-large-for-the-spot vehicle to back into said space.
Maybe there's a Freudian reason for the behaviour.
Sitting here in a national supermarket chain parking lot, after having jusr repaired something, I'm doing my call clusure "stuff" with my driver's side door open. A honk scares the bejesus out of me as a mullet is trying to back up his shoddy-looking pickup - diagonally, no less - next to my truck.
Why the hell is he...
Wait! Mullet?
Opposable Thumbs To Infinity And Beyond

Stupid Switch
My back has been killing me lately. Started Sunday whilst moving some boxes from the driveway into the garage. One such box was over-packed and thus too heavy, but I didn't realize that until my back reminded me it was there.
Ibuprofen, Lortab, and some muscle relaxants have done little to quell the pain, though the OTC heat wraps do the best job at dulling the pain. Go figure.
As in the past, it'll just take time for whatever is pinched, stretched, or otherwise sore to go away.
And when it does, that little switch in my brain will reset - you know the one. It's the Stupid Switch® that makes you forget how much something hurts.
When you're Stupid.
Ibuprofen, Lortab, and some muscle relaxants have done little to quell the pain, though the OTC heat wraps do the best job at dulling the pain. Go figure.
As in the past, it'll just take time for whatever is pinched, stretched, or otherwise sore to go away.
And when it does, that little switch in my brain will reset - you know the one. It's the Stupid Switch® that makes you forget how much something hurts.
When you're Stupid.
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